When creation rebels

We have heard several times of technological creations, animals, robots etc. that in the long run they rebel, did not follow the indications and even did not have the expected behavior of the creators.
We have also heard the phrase "we are all God's creations, but we are not all children." Something similar happens but even more painful for the heart of God.
He, with all his love and passion, created us to love him, adore him and thank him, he put that free will in us not to be like a machine that we have to follow a pattern but that we choose to "want" to do it.
Most of his creations today decide to forget about him, taking that free will and behaving in a rebellious way, betraying those who believe him.
We can feel this feeling many times (not to the degree of God, because we give less than him), when we put our trust in someone or something and it turns out to be totally the opposite of what we expected. A betrayal, a rebellious son, bad friends, etc.
The word says that God loves us, but it also has a limit, • Psalms 103: 8 Merciful and gracious is Jehovah, slow to anger, and great in mercy.
He mentioned "slow", which means that he has the limit of him, that his anger can be unleashed. If you are the parent of a young person or adult who is rebellious, you will understand that even if you try to warn, love and support them, sometimes nothing has an effect on that heart, because they are not determined to accept. A heart that does not accept help or love is a heart that cannot be worked with.
The word mentions that God is like the potter, always trying to mend every crack in our pot (life) but it reaches the point that that pot simply does not want to be repaired, it refuses, rebels and then the potter decides to release it into it. " potter's field "(valley of shadow or death), the potter's field is known as a lot where the pots with which it simply could not be worked anymore were discarded.
In our life that field would be like a time of process, of desert, sadness, loneliness and death. Sometimes the vessel will have to go through there to understand that it would be better to have listened, decided and been grateful to God. Today the world is being released by God, I decided that way because it still waits for the eyes of those whom it loves to look at it again.
Today the Lord also makes us see that sometimes we are like those creations that we simply do not want to be children. God wants us to no longer be just creations and to be more, because he has more for what he calls "children." If you know the pain of betrayal, contempt and loneliness, then you will understand the pain that we cause God when we do not allow ourselves to be shaped by his hands. We can decide to no longer cause him that pain and submit with love and passion to the one who deserves it because he is our creator.
Although I walk in the Valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you will be with me: your rod and your staff will give me breath Psalms 23: 4
Even in that valley of the shadow of death that you find today, God brought his word and tells us, I am still here to love you, help you and protect you, do not reject my voice anymore. Came back !! ■ "Come back to be my son." ■
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